More Friday5!
1. What’s your favorite thing about cold weather?
:: That I get to wear layers of clothing that would effectively hide my less than sexy bulges, haha!
2. Soups and hot beverages seem to be everyone’s favorite cold-weather culinary combatant, but what’s another food that seems to take the bite out of the cold?
:: A good stew, and also a smoking hot pizza pie.
3. When the weather is just starting to turn cold but is not yet in full frigidity, what do you add to your bed until it’s time to break out the heavy artillery? (I said what, not whom!)
:: Our favorite fluffy blue fleece blanket. Unfortunately, we’ve used it for so many years that its not as fluffy as before, but it still is super warm and comfy.
4. What household chore seems especially unkind in these colder months?
:: All chores are unkind. Haha! I would say, taking out the trash! And grocery shopping, too.
5. Among people you know, who seems most oblivious to cold weather?
:: My little baby! Everybody already seems bundled up but she’s still pink with warmth. :) I love her!